Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Revelation of Recent Events

Revelation 17:4 – The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality.

It has long been supposed by some, to which I include myself, that the Catholic church is the harlot that sits upon many waters and that together with the beast will grant power to 10 kings of Europe to pursue the remnant of the faithful. And as I consider the current ecumenical efforts of the Catholic Church to bring about Christian unity, I take note of a recent joint announcement by Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant church leaders in Jerusalem. Together they say that there is one form of Christianity that they condemn, that of Christian Zionism – the belief in the special status of the nation of Isreal to God and the position that we are living in a premillennial age.

Some of those same few have held the belief that Revelation 17 describes the future rise of a final Empire made up of a subset of the current members of the European Union. An Empire, lead by Germany, that will be the power base through which the Catholic Church will seek out and persecute the faithful. It was interesting to note that the most resent visit by Pope Benedict XVI to his German homeland, that he met with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. After this meeting, Chancellor Merkel announced she will push to reopen the constitutional debate in an effort to reconnect Europe to its’ Christian roots and God, no doubt with the Catholic Church at the center, when Germany takes over the Presidency of the European Union in 2007.

Within that begins the time of Jacob’s trouble for both the House of Israel and the House of Judah…


At August 19, 2010 3:40 am, Blogger melky7 said...

all of wot we see today is from constantine...the beast and the harlot have become self confident iam blood in her cup


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