Perspective and the Power of Understanding

I am amazed at the power perspective has on our understanding. For example, in the picture above, do you see a young woman, or an old woman? This familiar illustration rather simplistically sums up how different perspectives on the issue of the millennium approach the bible. Each are able to scripturally demonstrate why they believe what they believe and passionately defend it. Each will try to convince the other their interpretation of the image is correct. Can both (or all) interpretations be correct or is there only one right answer?
I also feel compelled here to point out that the millennium issue isn't simply a focus on the "end time". Some would say that's "majoring on the minor" (catchy), and possibly rightly so. But the reason I pivot on this point is that each camp have equally dividing perspectives on issues such as Christmas, Easter, the Sabbath and other Holy Days while all pointing to the same God. I am amazed to see each point to the same scripture to marginalize the other.
While all Christians will "swear on a stack of bibles" to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them, is it possible we don't?
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